Saturday 9 January 2016

Terrible site.

Internet not always be a digital world that is full of insight and information. Sometimes, the Internet could become a "dark" and terrible. All that could happen because there are irresponsible parties who abuse the rules of the Internet.

Many sites contain content unsuitable, even forbidden to be accessed. Payload content is present in a variety of these sites also varied, ranging from sites that offer services assassin, selling "goods" made of human skin, and many more.

Until recently, these sites have been blocked. Obviously, the existence of such sites disturbing the public because it can impact the prolonged danger. Citing information reported by Alltime10s YouTube channel, there are ten sites that claimed to be forbidden and so terrible in the world.
Sites it is.

1. Rent-a-Hitman.

The website is forbidden that makes "customers" use the services of mercenaries (Hitman). By using encrypted web browser, users can use the services of a hitman depending on the services provided to victims, ranging from servicing Broken Bone (injured victim only to break bones) of US $ 50 or approximately USD 700,000, and servicing Light Shake Down (injured victim to serious injury) of US $ 350 or about USD 5 million, to service Assassination (murder victim) at a cost of $ 20,000 or approximately USD 290 million.

Revealed, the payments usually can only be accepted through Bitcoin, where known transactions that occurred in the service traces its currency unpredictable. However, this terrible site has a rule "humane", the killing should not be done to a person aged under 16 years and is also a popular figure in the world top ten.

2. Plane Crash Info.

Plane Crash Info is a website that collects sound recordings and transcripts of the state of the seconds plane crash. Unfolded, plane crash incident records collected since the 1960s. The site is getting 65,000 visitors each month. The most phenomenal is one of the voice recordings that were recorded when the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in the United States.

3. Creepypasta.

Creepypasta was popular because it is the site of the horror stories online with a visit about 610,000 visitors per month. The most famous of all the terrible story is the story unfolded Slenderman, a tall man who often kidnap children and killed him in the forest.

However, these sites bring harm to teenagers. In 2014, a 14-year-old teenager kills his classmates with a stab as many as 19 times. In the same year, a child's heart to burn the whole house and family. Both are active visitors creepypasta and affected by memes sarcastic and horror are often circulated in the timeline of the site.

4. Cannibal Cafe.

Cannibal Cafe is a site that is blocked in almost all countries. This site is an online forum that stood since 1994. This forum is very different from other forums because it is filled by people who have a "disorder" in which increased his appetite when he saw human flesh, or more commonly referred to as cannibalistic action.

This forum allows users to purchase online human flesh. Worse yet, users can even offered himself to be eaten! This site was closed in 2002 after a cannibalistic case in Germany.

5. Hurtcore.

The website is a collection of images of gore (sadistic) or a disturbing picture that often displays images and videos with a level of brutality that was so terrible. Even so, Hurtcore always get 700,000 subscriptions at the end of each month. The most shocking was the circulation of cyberspace is a video of the torture of women in Japan with a duration of 5 minutes. Many have questioned the authenticity of the video, even the police had to investigate this case.

6. Suicide Guide.

Suicide Guide is a site that offers guidance forbidden suicide for the accessor. The existence of this site was criticized by various parties. More frightening again, the site offers the risk of passing percentages given if users choose how suicides are most effective.

7. Shaye Saint John.

Shaye Saint John is a fictional character made in artist Eric Fournier (1968-2010) which manifests creepy doll form. That said, Shaye is a supermodel who experienced a train wreck. Finally, he made again by using a set of manikins and played by Fournier. After Fournier died, the more frequently visited website Shaye. Lamanini appeared sober design that seemed tacky and filled with pictures of Shaye very creepy.

8. Pro Ana.

Pro Ana is an online forum that supports the lifestyle Anorexic and Bulimic. This means, the women (or even men) are allowed to not eat for days in order to reach the desired weight. Worse yet, Pro Ana gives tips for pengaksesnya not to eat for two weeks to be thinner instantly. One accessor this forum reportedly died after he followed tips "tight diet" site offers these misguided.

9. Human Leather.

Human Leather is a British site that provides goods and fashion accessories (handbags, purses, leather coats, boots) made of human skin! Revealed, the site uses cadaver skin that has been donated in order to coat the items for sale. Reportedly, bags sold on the site is priced at US $ 27,000 or US $ 395 million.

10. Opentopia.

Opentopia an illegal site which allows users to utilize surveillance cameras scattered in several places, in several countries. Not all the surveillance cameras can be accessed, just that they can choose where the surveillance cameras are present in the building or even a particular house.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Published Date: January 9, 2016 at 14:55
Tag : Terrible site.

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