Showing posts with label Places peak.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Places peak.. Show all posts

Sunday 31 January 2016

Places peak.

The highlight is the one place in Bogor is the favorite of people for a vacation. Peak tourist attractions there are many, mostly related to nature. Peak into the territory of Cianjur and Bogor in West Java. Location of the summit if Jakarta is south a distance of about 70 km.

The layout of this area is on the slopes and foothills of Gede-Pangrango, is part of the National Park Gede Pangrango. Both local and even foreign tourist areas know this one. Every weekend the place is very crowded, the roads heading in this direction will be closed.

Tourism in Puncak.

This area has uniqueness in terms of natural contours. Most of the area covered by tea plantations and mountains background. Even the beautiful natural area is often riveting President Soekarno, to the extent that he built the restaurant are made to enjoy the natural beauty here, his name is Spanish Riung Gunung which means a collection of mountain.

In addition there are also many places argowisata and recreation are very beautiful, among them there for paragliding and hang gliding Gunung Mas Tea Plantation. In addition there are other interesting sights, such as the Safari Park, the Botanical Gardens Cibodas, Taman Bunga Nusantara, the Park Solar, Telaga Warna, as well as the architecture of the mosque named Masjid simple and typical Atta'awun. Then there are many hotels and villas that can be used as a resting place.
To know that there are other tourist attractions in this area in addition to those already mentioned above.

Under some tourist attractions:

• Telaga Warna lake.

This attraction is a lake that has a beautiful nature and serene atmosphere. Here you can feel the water play different types of games, such as a boat ride rafts and water bikes. This lake's name is taken as the water in this lake could change. The location is close to the lake at the famous restaurant named Rindu Alam Puncak.

• Cilember Waterfall.

From Jakarta travel time to get to this place is for 1.5 hours. The peak of the tourist attractions is not too well known. But beauty is not inferior to the places other Peak. If you come here will feel the sensation of freshness.
In this place there are camping facilities, breeding butterflies, lodging and so forth. At the lake, there are seven waterfalls, in order to see all of it must be willing to travel far enough by way of walking, climbing for about three hours. Along the way you will see a stretch of pine trees in a beautiful pine forest. This place is suitable for lovers of mountain climbers attended.

• Park Riung Mount.

Just like Cilember Waterfall, the park is also less well known but worth visiting. Distance from the toll booth Ciawi is approximately 17 km. There are facilities here include travel tea or tea garden walk, where children's games, pool, restaurant, lodging, outbound facilities, as well as fish therapy.

One of the most interesting here is that there Soekarno-owned villa complete with all sorts of legacy. That said, on the ground, Soekarno often prayed.

• Park of the sun.

Unlike the above two sites that are less well known, tourist attractions this one is very popular. The garden area is 30 hectares, has a lot of interesting entertainment facilities for your family also. The facilities there are, among others, rafting, swimming pool, children's games, lodging, water games, a restaurant, outbound vehicle, ATV, tourist fields, is also a shopping center.

Although the facilities are complete but the entry ticket price is very cheap. In this park has the meaning of education, this place has never looked deserted. The park is also usually used for outdoor training for many large companies.

• Long waterfall.

Tourist attractions in Peak is in Megamendung. There you will see the waterfall and the beautiful river. Activities you can do here is exploring the river and river trekking.

If you want to explore the river you better bring a change of clothes and wear sandals mountain. Do not use flip-flops due to impassable terrain is rocky and slippery. Directly in the region there are four waterfalls are all very beautiful.

• Tourism Village Pancawati.

This place in the District Caringin. Offer a traditional rural atmosphere, it would be very interesting if enjoyed. You will see the beauty of nature, plus see Sundanese dances, puppet show and enjoy traditional cuisine and typical.

In this place there is also a lodging facility that has a rural atmosphere. Can calm your heart and mind.

• Twin waterfall.

Attraction this waterfall you can see in Cisarua. As the name implies, this waterfall side by side so interesting to look at. If you want to this waterfall you have to pass the rocky path that may make it difficult to achieve. However, if it is to you will not regret it because the waterfall is very beautiful twins.

• Melrimba Garden.

The location of this place is on Jalan Raya Puncak KM 87. This place is a producer of ornamental plants have a natural garden concept. Nesar sufficient breadth, which is 5 hectares. This place is the natural beauty of the tourist offer for families.

In addition to making you look ornamental plants also a fishing pond, lodgings, multipurpose turf field, picking strawberries, arena game, outbound facilities, greenhouses for ornamental gardens, tea walk, rides high rope. If you bring the vehicle can still take your car to a parking lot that is enough for 250 cars.

• Tourism Inkarla Gardens.

These attractions in Cibodas. Is a tourist place which offers mountain views are also plants that are equally beautiful. You can see all kinds of flowers in various colors, can cool the mind and eyes.
In the garden there is also a meeting room, a warm water pool, table tennis, outbound facilities, lodging, children's games area, beautiful scenery, and so forth.

• National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango.

The distance of this place if traveling from Jakarta is 100 km. This tourist spot has an extremely rich ecosystems highly remarkable. This place is home to plants and rare animals. In this place can be a place for research, nature, education, and observation of the mountain. Of all the sights that can be done, is the most popular mountain climbing.

Well, above this is the peak tourist places. How, very interesting is not it? No wonder it is because many interesting sights, the Peak area is always crowded especially during weekends and holiday season. The peak will be transformed like the middle of a very crowded city.

But do not expect always to get past this place the weekend because the door to the summit will be closed. So who wants to pass here, for example from Jakarta to Bandung you probably will not be. Then you can find an alternative other way. Hopefully this info useful to you.
Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: January 31 2016 at 11:44
Tag : Places peak.