Showing posts with label Understanding Tourism Forest.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Understanding Tourism Forest.. Show all posts

Sunday 31 January 2016

Understanding Tourism Forest.

What is meant by the notion jungle tours? Is there such thing as jungle tours. The following will explain about the definition of forest tourism.

Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources. Also it is one of the countries that have a very large number of forests in the world. The forest is a vast land which is where they grow a variety of plants and trees, and a gathering place for animals is a unity of biodiversity and their natural environment.

Meanwhile, under the new Forestry Law, Law No. 41 of 1999, the definition of forest is "a form of landscape ecosystems biological resources, dominated by trees in their natural environment, one and the other can not be separated."

In fact, our country is the heart of the world. Indonesia's forests are very well because the world needs to support the survival of living beings in the world. Former forest area in Indonesia reached 113 million hectares. That number decreased drastically due to the number of parties from the government and criminals are irresponsible to try clear-cutting and deforestation of Indonesia for dredge personal interests. Of course, it did have a negative impact.

Forests by function can be divided into several criteria, ie protection forests, production forests, forest preserves, and forests.

According to Minister of Forestry Decree No: 687 / Kpts II / 1989 Chapter I General Provisions, Article 1, paragraph 1 that the definition of tourism forests are forest areas dedicated, constructed, and maintained for the purpose of tourism and tourist hunting, the forest has a natural beauty and the distinctive characteristics that can be exploited for the benefit of recreation and culture called Tourism Park. This forest can also be used to protect animals and plants steps.

With the forest like this the researchers can perform a wide range of observations about the biodiversity that exists in the forest. Besides being able to be used as development of research on animals and plants, as well as a means of education of those students who conduct study tours.

Told as a tourist jungle because there are some things in the forest such appeal has incredible natural, such as flora, fauna, and natural phenomena caused. Land that belongs to this forest has an area that can ensure the comfort of all inhabitants live well all the flora and fauna found in the forest in order to ensure their preservation.

Have conditions that allow it to be developed as a natural tourist spot, and very good to introduce to the students about nature. Are expected to give positive results for students so that they feel have these forests as well as help maintain continuity and do not damage it. Attitudes love of nature and the environment can be instilled in them.

Efforts were made to preserve the forests of this type is the holding of an inventory of areas that might, protection, and protection of forest areas should be improved from people who are not responsible, who only think about the interests and its own benefit, the holding of studies coupled with pelertariannya to support its development. In addition, there should be also coaching for habitat and wildlife populations there.

In Indonesia, which is one of the countries that have large forest in the world, of course, has many places serving natural attractions, namely:

1. Forest Park Tuatunu.

This forest is located approximately 6 Kilometers from urban centers, precisely in the Village Tuatunu, Village Tuatunu Beautiful, District Gerunggang, Pangkalpinang. The forest area has an area of ​​approximately 137 ha. In addition to functioning as the natural attractions of this forest also serves as a campsite and conservation areas.

Various kinds of flora that grow in the woods, including mahogany, rubber, wood Diospyros Blancoi exciting, wood serambet cord wood, wood gerunggang, wood varnish, wood pelumpang, palawan wood, red meranti wood, Nyatoh, and thatch. As for fauna inhabited by a wide variety of birds, deer / coney, Napo, various types of primates, honeybees and also various types of snakes.

2. Forest Park Dumai.

This forest is situated in Dumai, Riau Province. This forest ttermasuk homogeneous forests filled with pine trees. As for the many animals that inhabit this forest is a monkey. Monkeys are accustomed to human presence so that the monkeys are not afraid of the presence of visitors.

Natural state is lush and full of trees make the forest is visited by many tourists. In addition to providing a place for camping, forest here also provide facilities for outdoor activities, such as flying fox, and so on.

3. Forest Park Pocut Meurah Intan, Aceh.

Forest Park area Pocut Meurah Diamond is located around 70 km from the city of Banda Aceh. The great forest has a potential to become a tourist area. In this great forest of pine so many plants provide natural atmosphere is beautiful and natural. Forest Park has several places hot springs which may be the main attraction bari tourists.

4. Forest Tangkahan, Sumatra.

These forests provide the charm of unspoiled natural beauty. In this forest visitors can also meet the orangutans there, if any. The village is located at the junction between two rivers, namely Sungai Batang and Reed River. Tangkahan is a region located in Guning Leuser National Park, Sumatra. The visitors were given the opportunity to surfing through the jungle on elephant back.

5. Forest Tourism Unmul Samarinda (Samarinda Botanical Garden).

This forest is located in the north of Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province. Is one of the attractions in London which has an area of ​​about 300 ha. Has a blend of as a place of recreation and nature education present.

This place is often used as a place of activity for students to do research and job training because the student has a facility that allows the student. This forest has an area of ​​300 ha.

Many facilities are provided there such as camping, swimming pools, zoos, flower gardens, and garden birds. In addition, there are also tourist boats there. Animals contained d Isana is an orangutan who intentionally released, but these animals have been domesticated so that visitors do not have to worry. Aa other animals in the forest among cobra snakes, hornbills, parrots, ponies, paradise, crocodiles, deer, and porcupine.

In addition to Forest neighborhood tour which has been described above, there are also some other natural attractions, namely:

a) Pringgodani located in Blumbang, Tawangmangu.

Presented among other facilities Shower seven, barracks lodgings, a place of pilgrimage (petilasan the addition Koconagoro), footpath.

b) Peak Lawu located in the area Gondosuli, Tawangmangu.

Facilities include walkways, security posts, and a direction.
Sekipan located in the area Kalisoro, Tawangmangu. The facilities provided are meeting hall, arena camp, and trails.

c) Grojogan Sewu. Located in the area Kalisoro, Tawangmangu.

Tours are there like Waterfall, stalls selling souvenirs, there is also a swimming pool, protected forests and fauna (monkeys).

d) Falls Jumok. Being on location Berjo, Ngargoyoso.

There are waterfalls and pools.

Thus some explanations about the jungle tours. Generally, jungle tours always presents nature unspoiled forest, beautiful, and cool. Tourism forests suitable as the release of fatigue and can be used as a research on the flora and fauna.

Therefore, by looking at the benefits provided by these forests, then we as civilized human beings shall participate preserve it for the survival of flora and fauna that are in the forest, do not damage the forest situation. We must keep Indonesia as the heart of the world. Thank you for reading this article.
Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
Date Published: January 31 2016 at 10:53
Tag : Understanding Tourism Forest.